When Paul goes away, travelling to various parts of the whirled for his career and for other reasons, he likes to write diary to let ye know his whereabouts and undertakings. They can be found here, in his Travel Diary. Each post beneath will contain a diary he has written whilst away in some far flung island or expansive continent, and will contain his adventures there.
Australala – Apricot 2016
Tunesday 5th Apricot The excitement started officially when I met Aaron at the platform of an obscure countryside railway station in the Cotswolds, wearing my pyjamas (discreetly) and slippers (indiscreetly). Aaron and I enjoyed a rural idyll evening involving country … Continue reading
Hawaii and Dixby – Janitor 2016
Saturnday 2nd Janitor 2016 I met with my worker, Aaron Kilkenny-Sletcher, at my local aerodrome, which happens to be one of the world’s busiest airports. We had lunch and wines and flew to Dublin to see various people including Uncle … Continue reading
Vietnam – Decadence 2016
Moonday 21st Decadence I departed the earliest I have ever departed for an aerodrome: at 4.30am. I arrived at 5am, having had a gin and tonic in the car. It’s never too early for a gin and tonic. I had … Continue reading
Bermuda Diary – Septet 2015
Mine and Tim’s adventure began with wheeling our suitcases from our Edinburgh Fringe flat to the tram stop. When one is going on holly day such ordinary tasks become exciting. As we took the tram to the airfield we agreed … Continue reading
Italy Diary – Julie 2015
As usual, Aaron and I met at an ‘otel at Gatwick Aerodrome the afternoon before the flight and consumed wines and had seafood surprise. The next day we entered the airfield proper at noon o’clock and did writing whilst sipping … Continue reading
Australala Diary – Marsh 2015
Little is known / remembered about this trip, other than meeting Aaron at Heathrow Airfield and sipping whiskies there, a flight to Singapore with King Vincent during which we took turns with the wines and Aaron had to be manipulated … Continue reading
Nevis and Sao Paolo Diary – Janitor 2015
6th Janitor This was a good pair of trips. It started by meeting Aaron at the ‘otel at Gatwick Airfield. Even the train to the airport was part of the holiday, due to the excitement. We had din dins at … Continue reading