New Paul Foot Footcast!
Look! A purple mop and bucket!
“Why is Paul posting that into his web log ye ask?” Well because the latest episode of my Footcast starts with an impromptu song about cleaning… among other timeless themes like death, vomiting and watering the garden.
My Footcast as ye should know is recorded with the young comedian Tom Mayhew, and ye can listen by subscribing for free on iTunes or by going to POD BEAN. Lol.
In this latest episode I talk about a party I was recently asked to leave, for chatting a woman up. It was quite an evening. It seems I don’t have a very good track record at parties. Below is a little YouTube video about another party I went to a couple of years ago which was also a disaster.
Here is the footcast…
And here is the little video….
Soon I shall be launching my competition ahead of my Australia 2016 tour, and also if ye are in Glasgow I am coming for one night only to the comedy festival there too. See my show diary.
And read other Paul Foot “Pflog” posts on my web log here.
PF xxx