Australala Diary – Marsh 2014
My next trip was in March and it was again to the country of Australia. I was very excited because, on this trip, I was to be accompanied by my friend and hairdresser Gianni. We met at Heathrow Aerodrome and had some nice wines and then went to another part of the airfield where we had salad and more wine and then went to another part of the airfield where we had dragon fruit and also sparkling wine and then went back to the original part of the aerodrome where we had delicious salmon and also Victoria sponge cake which was the best ever and then we got on the aeroplane to Helsinki and we did not have any fish stew which was offered because we were full up. The aeroplane to Singapore was very nice we had a nice dinner and lots of wines and then I watched a film called the Shawshank Redemption and then we woke up and had breakfast and landed at Singapore and we also spoke to a cabin crew member who was very friendly indeed in a highly sexual manner. After drinking some mineral water at Singapore aerodrome to ease our minds and taking a shower we boarded a British Airways craft pounds bound for New South Wales and we had a nice dinner including lots of cheese and wine and limb of lamb and sparkling wine and then we went to sleep and then we woke up and had breakfast and landed in Sydney and we took a taxi to Gianni’s hotel and we walked around the botanical Gardens and it was hot and lovely. And then, after an emotional farewell, I flew to Adelaide and spent nine weeks doing my show around Australala and I became a STAR and then I flew home (no details given, but would include sparkling wines and trout).