The Paul Foot Web Log!

Paul Foot Blog


Wow! An important day here in The Guild of Paul Foot Connoisseurs, the birth of my PAUL FOOT WEB LOG!! And this here, my first ever web log post!!

More popular than web log is its truncated form – the word blog – but I prefer its TRUNK-ated form, web LOG! (That’s a joke to some people!)

Here on my web log I can break free from the 140 character restrains of Twittarse and write whatever I feel like on all manner of subjects!!

It’s a total coincidence that the first three paragraphs of this web blog post have been exactly 140 characters each but I’m acclimatising.

Damn! I did it again!

The term “web blog” was coined in 1997 by Jorn Barger. I know that because I just Wikipedia’d it, don’t worry! It is currently unknown whether Jorn Barger’s ancestors operated narrow boats. As of 16th February 2011 the world had more than 156 million blogs. It doesn’t say how many more, nor why nobody has counted in the last four years, but what we do know is – NOW THERE’S ONE MORE – The Paul Foot Web Log ! And I bet it’s already more popular than at least half of the crummy blogs that are out there. Let’s be honest, it’s already probably in the top 5%, because most blogs are UTTERLY TRAGIC! Even my local garden centre has one, and out of the six types of gravel you can buy in my local garden centre – two of them have their own web logs!

I reckon this web blog, The Paul Foot Web Log, is ranking somewhere in between Carol Vorderman’s web log and the Choummaly Syasome the President of Laos’s web log. I don’t know if either of those celebrities have web logs, do I look like the sort of person who follows web logs? Of course not. I’m FAMOUS!

Paul Foot Sofa

Anyway. The term “web log” was then abbreviated to the word “blog” by Evan Williams, who was also a co-founder of Twitter, which ironically played a part in the decline and death of many blogs. UNTIL NOW!

As of 16th February 2011, Twitter had more than eight users. Considerably more, but it’s still true.

I have already coined my own abbreviation for the Paul Foot Web Log, which is Pflog. The f is silent. And it’s one word, as “pf log” sounds a bit like a homophobic database.

“Blog” is also a verb. So you could say “We blogged all the way from Kent”, or “Oh My God! He’s blogging a massive blog!”, or “Blog off you SHINGLE!”

I am going to update the Pflog twice a week, on Tunesdays and Flydays. And you can expect a variety of Pflog posts: I might rant about something tropical in the news. I might share new art work by me, or that my wondrous connoisseurs send in. I might tell a story, I might share a recipe, or some footographs or talk about a video from my YouTubular chandelier. Anything is possible! Web logs are so versatile, I don’t know why they haven’t caught on!

SO LET’S GET PFLOGGING! It’s time for a bit of pfloggeration!

Oh no actually, it isn’t, because this counts as a pflog post, so you’ll have to wait until Flyday.

Is there something I should pflog about or that you would like to see up here? If so do let me know on Twitter @paulfoot.


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